Lab Water, Digitalized
Show notes
How are labs digitizing to ensure their workflows (and water flows) are always on the move?
Kailyn, or Kai, Regidor is a Field Service Engineer working with the Milli-Q® Lab Water Solutions portfolio based in Atlanta, Georgia. In this episode, Kai illustrates the impact of digitizing lab water. She explains how connecting key systems and instruments to the cloud benefits both lab staff and engineers. Kai shares an example of a clinical lab that received a system alert due to low water resistivity and how she were able to remotely fix the problem immediately, saving time and money.
In our Troubled Waters segment, Flora Bui, a technical marketing manager from Guyancourt, France tells us how she helped a Dubai lab solve low phosphate detection by recommending a new cleaning agent.
More on the Milli-Q® Lab Water Solutions portfolio:
More on tailoring water quality for your science:
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