Greener Lab Water

Show notes

"How can labs operate more sustainably? Reducing the environmental impact of a lab is no small feat:

Single-use plastics, toxic chemicals, or the use of high heat, water and energy are daily occurrences. More sustainable options are limited, and advancements that can help labs go greener are much sought after. In this episode, our guests (Jorge Nicolas from Santander, Spain and Gourab Ghosh based in Bangalore, India) provide examples of institutions that have made changes to their lab water supply to become more sustainable. Jorge explains how a hospital significantly reduced plastic use by moving away from bottled water, and Gourab tells us how a milk manufacturer is saving water and energy by changing their distillation setup.

In our Troubled Waters segment, Joe Plurad in Boston tells us about an eye-opening run-in he had with a PhD student who almost lost her genetically engineered mouse line due to a suspected contamination in her bottled water.

More on the Milli-Q® Lab Water Solutions portfolio:

More on tailoring water quality for your science:

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